
Showing posts from October, 2023

Stranger things analysis video

  STRANGER THINGS VIDEO: Costume: The character at the start is wearing a white lab coat. This suggests to the audience he is working on a project  Lighting: low-key lighting most of the time  and light flickering most of the time  Setting: dark setting and in the woods which is a restricted area Props: the board games summoned a demon  Actor placement/movement/expression: panic and scared because his family wasn't in home 

Stranger things analysis

  C-is a shadow of a little girl wearing a long dress  L- foggy and low-key  A-the tree its in front of your face and should be the first thing you notice then you will notice the house behind in the middle of nowhere M-there is no people in the picture P-the rope hanging from the tree  S-dark setting and horror vibe from the setting also all the clouds bunched up in one place tells us that something bad happened here