
Showing posts from June, 2024

Radio: Final index

1)   Radio: Launch of BBC Radio 1 CSP 2)   Radio: KISS FM Breakfast show CSP

KISS FM Breakfast show CSP: blog tasks

  Audience Lo ok at  th e KISS media pack carefully . This will give you a brilliant background to the brand and how they target their audience (important note: it features the old Breakfast presenting team).  Answer the following questions: 1) Read page 2. What is KISS FM's mission? KISS FM's mission is to deliver high-quality entertainment and music, focusing on contemporary hit songs and engaging radio shows that resonate with a diverse audience. The station aims to actively involve the local community through events and promotions, fostering a strong connection with listeners. By adopting innovative broadcasting technologies and trends, KISS FM ensures a dynamic and relevant listening experience, continuously striving to provide quality content that keeps audiences tuned in and entertained. 2) Look at page 3. What is the target audience for KISS FM? As well as writing the key statistics from the media pack, try and suggest what  psychographic groups  would fit the KISS audi

Radio 1 Launch CSP: blog tasks

  Historical, social and cultural contexts 1) What radio stations were offered by the BBC before 1967? Before 1967, the BBC offered the following radio stations: 1. BBC Home Service: This station primarily provided news, current affairs, and drama. It served as the main national channel and was aimed at a general audience. 2. BBC Light Programme: This station was focused on entertainment, featuring a mix of popular music, comedy, and light drama. It was intended to appeal to a broad audience, providing lighter content than the Home Service. 3. BBC Third Programme: This station offered highbrow cultural programming, including classical music, serious drama, and discussions on literature and the arts. It was aimed at a more discerning and niche audience interested in the arts and culture. In 1967, these stations were rebranded and restructured into BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 3, and BBC Radio 4 to better cater to different audience segments and evolving tastes. 2) How was BBC rad

Advertising & Marketing: Final index

1) Television: Introduction to TV drama 2) Doctor Who: Language and Representation 3) Doctor Who: Audience and Industries 4) His Dark Materials: Language and Representation 5) His Dark Materials: Audience and Industries 6) Industry contexts: the BBC and public service broadcasting

TV industry contexts: blog tasks

1) What is the BBC's mission statement? The BBC's mission statement is "to inform, educate and entertain." This succinctly captures the core purpose of the organization, emphasizing its commitment to providing comprehensive news coverage, educational programming, and diverse entertainment content to serve the public interest. 2) How is the BBC funded? The BBC is primarily funded through a television licence fee paid by UK households. This licence fee is mandatory for anyone who watches or records live TV broadcasts or uses the BBC's iPlayer service. The fee helps maintain the BBC's independence and allows it to operate without commercial advertising. Additionally, the BBC generates revenue through its commercial arm, BBC Studios, which produces and sells content globally. This commercial revenue supplements the licence fee, enabling the BBC to invest in a wide range of programming and services. 3) What must the BBC do to meet its public service broadcasting re