December mock exam: Learner Response blog tasks
1) Type up any feedback on your paper (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). If you only have marks and a grade on the paper, write a WWW/EBI yourself based on your scores. WWW: Attempted nearly every Q In this paper in the given time which is usually quit difficult you show good Level of understanding of the tv CSPs in this paper EBI: We need to work on your exam technique not enough focus on the keywords in the paper this also reflects that you need to complete the OSP 2) Use the mark scheme for this Paper 2 mock to read the answers AQA were looking for . First, write down a definition and example of non-diegetic sound (Q1.1 and 1.2). sound that you hear from the characters will and lyra hearing in conversation 3) Next, identify three points you could have made in Q1.3 - camerawork and the extract. Look for the indicative content in the mark scheme - these are the suggested an...