December mock exam: Learner Response blog tasks
1) Type up any feedback on your paper (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). If you only have marks and a grade on the paper, write a WWW/EBI yourself based on your scores.
WWW: Attempted nearly every Q In this paper in the given time which is usually quit difficult you show good Level of understanding of the tv CSPs in this paper
EBI: We need to work on your exam technique not enough focus on the keywords in the paper this also reflects that you need to complete the OSP
2) Use the mark scheme for this Paper 2 mock to read the answers AQA were looking for. First, write down a definition and example of non-diegetic sound (Q1.1 and 1.2).
sound that you hear from the characters
will and lyra hearing in conversation
3) Next, identify three points you could have made in Q1.3 - camerawork and the extract. Look for the indicative content in the mark scheme - these are the suggested answers from AQA.
zoom when sat at table equally formed in a shot references closeness relationship
lyra movement as a leader
the shoulder shots = individual facial
4) Now look at Q1.4 in the mark scheme - pick out two points from the mark scheme that you could have included in your answer.
1- mise-en-scene lyra's costume -subverting feminine stereotypes - lacking make-up subverts stereotypes
2- characters = female protagonist propp- hero .
male =helper will subvert stereotypes
5) Focus on Q2 - the 20-mark essay on representations of age and social and cultural contexts. Pick out three points from the mark scheme that you didn't include in your answer.
5) Focus on Q2 - the 20-mark essay on representations of age and social and cultural contexts. Pick out three points from the mark scheme that you didn't include in your answer.
Susan= obedient ,naira
teacher = ignorant , irresponsible although appearing to be conceived
doctor = eccentric , strange but he eyecare ( give off )
authority , power
reinforcing 1960s stereotype patnarachail society male deiminated empowerment men are fighting
6) Turning your attention to Section B, write a definition and example of user-generated content - use the mark scheme to check it.
3.1- content created by a user rather than brand company
3.2-instagram post
7) Look at Q4 - the 20-mark essay on the power of influencers. Pick out three points from the mark scheme that you didn't include in your own answer.
K.K = less authentic more curated create unordain reality already population history of uses her social media
M.R = main novel , football centred into unknown tertiary
rise of new digital media = links to OSPs social media allows celebrity to gain traction
8) Now look at Q5 - the 20-mark essay on regulation and the internet. Again, pick out three points from the mark scheme that you didn't include in your own answer.
extremely diffident to regulate the intent + most social mate
film industry - BFC regulate films in the UK age rating audience important factor in film production without this would be detrimentally tv industry
Arctic monkey - UK indie bend allowed audiences to share music to gain traction but also increase
9) On a scale of 1-10 (1 = low, 10 = high), how much revision and preparation did you do for your Media mock exam? Be honest here - it's a good chance to think about how to approach the next set of mock exams.
10) List three key things you want to revise before the next mock exams in February (e.g. particular CSPs, terminology, exam technique etc.)
exam technique
particular CSPs
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