Tatler: case study blog tasks
Media language
1) What different examples of typography can you find on the cover of Tatler? What are the connotations of the serif and sans serif fonts?
All of the cover-lines use san serif font which allows the information to be easily read by an audience. The language used is persuasive, for example: Adjectives such as 'posh' and 'new' appeal to a mainstream audience.
2) How do the cover lines appeal to the Tatler target audience?
it appeals to them through the cover lines 'millennial slogans' and 'the new posh. It constructs women as being expected to look fashionable, to travel and to go to the right kind of parties.
3) What are the connotations of the Tatler colour scheme on this particular front cover?
3) What are the connotations of the Tatler colour scheme on this particular front cover?
the connotation of the tattler colour scheme shows elegance because the back round is green like it set up in a huge garden and the colours aren't so bright which shows how calm it is also the writing is so neat and her dress is very simple and the colours are simple and not so crowded
4) How is the central image designed to create interest in the magazine? Find three reasons for your answer. (E.g. the model, the mise-en-scene such as props, costume and make-up, body position, facial expression etc.)
the way the model poses reflect the magazines is elegant , on the other hand the make up and costume are so simple and not crowded also it easy to see. the face expression suggest the she is serious in the same time she have a simple smile and she has a baby face
1) What celebrities or famous people are mentioned on the cover? Why do you think Tatler put them on the cover?
1) What celebrities or famous people are mentioned on the cover? Why do you think Tatler put them on the cover?
The cover star is Emma Weymouth This cover star shows Tatler is trying to update its representation of race in the magazine in response to recent cultural changes such as the Black Lives Matter movement
.Lifestyle magazine with focus on fashion; high society events such as balls and celebrities such as the Royal family and members of the aristocracy (people with inherited wealth, titles and land.)
2) What do the cover lines suggest about the lifestyle of rich people in the UK?
Tatler magazine suggests these are the important things in life. Things like LOOKING BEAUTIFUL, BEING WEALTHY and EXPERIENCING GLAMOROUS LIFESTYLES. This CONNOTES that Tatler is aimed at upper-class, wealthy women and men.
3) Looking at the image and cover lines together, what different groups of people are represented on the cover and how are they represented? (E.g. men/women/rich people/race & ethnicity etc.)
The cover star is Emma Weymouth (aka Emma Thynn, Marchioness of Bath) and is a rare black cover star for Tatler. Emma Thynn's father is a Nigerian oil billionaire and her mother is an English socialite (socialite: a person who is well known in fashionable society). This cover star shows Tatler is trying to update its representation of race in the magazine in response to recent cultural changes such as the Black Lives Matter movement.
4) Are there any stereotypes being reinforced or subverted? How? Why?
Social and cultural contexts
1) What types of people are NOT featured in Tatler? (Watch the clip above again if you need help with this - the clue is in the title 'Posh People')
4) Are there any stereotypes being reinforced or subverted? How? Why?
Social and cultural contexts
1) What types of people are NOT featured in Tatler? (Watch the clip above again if you need help with this - the clue is in the title 'Posh People')
Tatler magazine typically features individuals from high society, celebrities, and influential figures. People who are not typically featured in Tatler may include those who are not well-known or connected to the social elite, as the magazine tends to focus on a specific demographic
2) Tatler runs special issues on holidays, spa breaks, cosmetic surgery, watches and jewellery and private schools. What does this suggest about the magazine's representation of life in Britain?
The preoccupation with parties, private schools, luxury holidays and exclusivity (the 'Tatler Privilege Club') assumes a high level of income and an elitist attitude which may alienate or offend people from a different social class.
3) What audience groups might be offended or insulted by the front cover of Tatler?
the people who lost their loved ones in covid, because they have written ( love in time covid ) so the people who lost their loved ones might see it offensive
4) Find three other front covers for Tatler from different months. What issues, subjects or people are regularly featured in Tatler?

4) Find three other front covers for Tatler from different months. What issues, subjects or people are regularly featured in Tatler?

tattler is always talks about issues about the royal family and the high class problems for example princess Diana was an empowering figure
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