His Dark Materials: Audience and Industries blog tasks


1) Read this audience rating guide for His Dark Materials. Based on the screening and this article, who do you think the target audience is for His Dark Materials and why? What about psychographic groups? You can revise Pyschographics here.

1. Fantasy Enthusiasts: Individuals who are passionate about fantasy literature, films, and TV shows, and enjoy immersing themselves in fantastical worlds and mythologies.

2. Intellectual Explorers: Viewers who appreciate thought-provoking content that challenges their perspectives and explores philosophical themes such as morality, power, and destiny.

3. Adventure Seekers: People who are drawn to stories that take them on thrilling journeys filled with suspense, mystery, and unexpected twists.

4. Book Lovers: Readers who have a fondness for the original source material, Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy, and are eager to see how the adaptation brings the beloved characters and storylines to life on screen.

2) What audience pleasures are offered by His Dark Materials - The City of Magpies? Apply Blumer and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory to the episode. Make sure you provide specific examples from the episode to support your ideas.

1. Personal Identity: The episode explores themes of personal identity through the characters' struggles and growth. For example, Lyra's journey to understand her true self and her connection to the aethalometer can resonate with viewers who are also on a journey of self-discovery. This aspect of personal identity can provide viewers with a sense of reflection and introspection.

2. Personal Relationships: The relationships between characters in the episode, such as Lyra and Will's developing friendship, offer viewers a sense of connection and empathy. By witnessing the dynamics of these relationships, viewers may find comfort or inspiration in their own personal relationships. The emotional depth of these interactions can fulfil the audience's need for social connection and understanding.

3. Diversion (Escapism): The fantastical world of "His Dark Materials" provides viewers with a form of escapism from their everyday lives. The intricate world-building, magical elements, and suspenseful plot twists can transport viewers to a different reality, allowing them to temporarily escape from their own worries and stresses. This aspect of diversion can offer viewers a break from reality and a chance to immerse themselves in a captivating story.

Overall, "His Dark Materials - The City of Magpies" offers audience pleasures related to personal identity, personal relationships, and escapism, catering to viewers' needs for self-reflection, social connection, and entertainment

3) Thinking of the 3 Vs audience pleasures (Visceral, Vicarious and Voyeuristic pleasures), which of these can be applied to His Dark Materials? Refer to specific scenes or moments in the episode to explain your answer. 

In "His Dark Materials," viewers may experience Visceral pleasures through intense and emotional moments that evoke strong feelings or reactions. For example, scenes depicting battles, emotional confrontations, or moments of danger can elicit visceral responses from the audience.

Vicarious pleasures may be experienced through the characters' journeys and experiences in the show. Viewers may feel a sense of excitement, adventure, or empathy as they follow the characters' struggles and triumphs throughout the series.

Voyeuristic pleasures could be present in scenes that allow viewers to observe intimate or secretive moments in the characters' lives. This could include moments of intrigue, mystery, or hidden motivations that engage the audience's curiosity and desire to uncover the truth.

Overall, "His Dark Materials" likely offers a mix of these audience pleasures to engage viewers and create a compelling viewing experience

4) How did fans react to Season 2 of His Dark Materials? What about critic reviews? You can find some possible answers for this in this BBC website article on the critical reception for His Dark Materials and watch the fan reaction video above.

  •  Fans of Season 2 of His Dark Materials had a mixed reaction. Some praised the show for its faithfulness to the source material and the performances of the cast, while others expressed disappointment with certain changes made from the books. As for critic reviews, they were generally positive, with many critics praising the show's production values and storytelling. For more detailed information, you can check out the BBC website article on the critical reception for His Dark Material.

5) What might be some of the preferred and oppositional readings for His Dark Materials? Why did some fans love it? Why have other people criticised it? 

Preferred readings of "His Dark Materials" often focus on themes of free will, individuality, and the importance of questioning authority. Fans of the series appreciate its rich world-building, complex characters, and thought-provoking exploration of philosophical and ethical issues. They love the strong female protagonist, Lyra, and the way the story challenges traditional beliefs and societal norms.

Oppositional readings may critique the series for its perceived anti-religious themes, as it portrays organized religion in a negative light. Some critics argue that the books promote atheism and undermine moral values. Additionally, some readers may find the complex narrative and dense philosophical concepts difficult to follow or engage with.

Overall, fans of "His Dark Materials" are drawn to its imaginative storytelling, compelling characters, and thought-provoking themes. On the other hand, critics may take issue with its treatment of religion, moral ambiguity, or narrative complexity.


1) Which companies produced this His Dark Materials series?

The "His Dark Materials" series was produced by Bad Wolf and New Line Productions for the BBC and HBO. Bad Wolf is a production company based in the UK, known for producing high-quality television content, while New Line Productions, a subsidiary of Warner Bros., is an American film and television production company. This collaboration brought together significant expertise and resources from both sides of the Atlantic to create the series.

2) What were the UK viewing figures for A City of Magpies? How did this compare to season 1 of His Dark Materials?

The UK viewing figures for the premiere episode of "A City of Magpies," the first episode of season 2 of "His Dark Materials," reached 4.4 million viewers. This was a notable increase compared to the season 1 premiere, which drew in 7.2 million viewers. While the first season had a strong debut, the second season's opening saw a decline, which could be attributed to various factors such as audience retention and shifts in viewer interest. Nonetheless, "A City of Magpies" maintained a significant audience, indicating continued interest in the series.

3) What was American network HBO's role in making His Dark Materials and why is this important? Look at the notes above for more on this

.HBO got international distribution on what is essentially a BBC One production.

4) What famous stars are in His Dark Materials and why do you think they were selected for the show? Watch the Comic Con panel video in the notes above to see the stars talking about the show.

  • In the TV series "His Dark Materials," some of the famous stars include Dafne Keen, Ruth Wilson, James McAvoy, and Lin-Manuel Miranda. These actors were likely selected for the show due to their talent, experience, and ability to bring the complex characters from the book series to life on screen. Each actor brings a unique perspective and skill set to their respective roles, adding depth and authenticity to the characters they portray. Watching the Comic Con panel video can provide further insight into why these specific stars were chosen and how they approach their roles in the show.

5) Who are Bad Wolf and what do they produce?

Bad Wolf is a British production company founded in 2015 by Jane Tranter and Julie Gardner, known for high-quality television dramas. Based in Cardiff, Wales, they produced notable series such as "His Dark Materials," "A Discovery of Witches," "The Night Of," "I Hate Suzie," and "Industry." Their work often includes strong literary adaptations and original dramas, garnering critical acclaim and establishing them as a significant player in the television industry..


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